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How to reach Delhi to Aligarh? | by road | by train | by flight | by Walking

Place or market located between Delhi to Aligarh

  • Your journey will start from Delhi
  • !
  • Aligarh is your destination.
From Delhi
To Aligarh
By Road 3 hours 23 mins | 162 km | Yamuna Expy and NH 334D
By Train 3 hours 28 mins | 143 km
By Flight !
By Walking 1 day 7 hours | 150 km | Jhajhar Rd
Cost ₹486 - ₹1944
Route map Delhi, !, Aligarh
Temperature 30°C | °F
State Union Territories - Delhi
Views 266
Last Update 0000-00-00 00:00:00
Map Link Delhi to Aligarh View Map

Delhi images

Delhi images

Aligarh images

Aligarh images

Delhi and Aligarh Route? | Locations between Delhi and Aligarh?

Almost all the places between "Delhi and Aligarh" is !. And all these places have made a special identity in themselves. There are many other famous tourist places. This roadway is located on Yamuna Expy and NH 334D.And some of these places are very small towns. You can also visit many of these places.

  1. Your journey will start from Delhi
  2. !
  3. Aligarh is your destination.

Distance between Delhi and Aligarh?

By Road - The distance of "Delhi to Aligarh" is " 162 km ". This route is located on NH Yamuna Expy and NH 334D.

By Train -The distance from Delhi to Aligarh by train is 143 km.

By flight - The distance from Delhi to Aligarh by air is not known.

By Walking -The distance from Delhi to Aligarh by foot / walking away is about 150 km .

Aligarh temperature?

The Aligarh temperature is 30°C | °F.

Delhi to Aligarh trip cost? | travel cost | Ticket Price?

The approximate fare of Delhi to Aligarh is around ₹486 - ₹1944 indian rupees. This fare can be more or less. It varies with time. Always keep a rent higher than the estimated fare with you. So that you do not face any problem,

How much time to travel from Delhi to Aligarh? | travel time?

By Road - It will take you around 3 hours 23 mins to go from Delhi to Aligarh by road.

By Train - It will take you around 3 hours 28 mins to go from Delhi to Aligarh via train.

By flight - It will take you around ! to travel from Delhi to Aligarh by plane.

By Walking - It will take you around 1 day 7 hours to travel from Delhi to Aligarh by foot or walking away.

Aligarh in which state?

Aligarh city is located in the state of Union Territories - Delhi.

Aligarh tourist places? local places in Aligarh?

Friends, there are many places to visit in Aligarh. But among them we have some places for you like- ! etc. We have given the information about these places in the list below, you can go from there and see the names of those places. Some tourist places located in Aligarh where you can visit-

  • !

More information about Delhi and Aligarh?

Delhi, India to Aligarh, Uttar Pradesh, India

Delhi to Aligarh map?

Delhi to Aligarh View Map